Nancy Lang | May 17 | Cougar Chronicle

Dear New School Community,

Welcome to our final Cougar Chronicle of the 2020-21 school year! My messages lately have been about finishing strong, and I realize that is much easier said than done. I think we have to acknowledge that while last spring was really tough, toward the end of the year there was a feeling of hope and great enthusiasm for every opportunity for in-person interactions. We had positive energy, excitement, and gratitude for car parades, home visits by teachers, meal deliveries from parents for Teacher Appreciation Week, and simply having an in-person Graduation Ceremony. We even had many creative, touching, and inspiring Zoom moments!

This year, there is also a wonderful sense of hope, as we see the situation with the pandemic improving. However, we are also carrying the weight of the past 15 months. Frankly, many people are understandably exhausted. That is why finishing strong is not only challenging, but also such an important goal. This is a moment when I feel that all of us adults need to remember that we must strive to be the thermostats for our children and students. They are the thermometers, measuring the temperature. We set the temperature.

So, how do we finish strong? We celebrate the successes and the small joyful moments, model grace and patience and resilience, simply care for them, and remind them and ourselves that we will make it to the finish line, where we will have the opportunity to rest and look forward to wonderful things yet to come! Read the blogs written by our division heads - Mary Sweeney, Jade House, and J.R. Neiswender - to be reminded of some amazing successes and upcoming opportunities and celebrations. Jack Sweeney’s message provides a unique opportunity to celebrate our Class of 2021, with a final Giving Week that will go directly to support our faculty and staff. We have this opportunity, because of your generosity in ensuring that we met our Annual Fund goal of $450,000 this year. Thank you for your commitment to The New School. If you are able to support our teachers one final time this year, this is your chance!

We have got this!

Nancy Lang

Head of School

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