The Impact of Giving

Each year, the school relies on contributions to provide critical support to our operating budget above and beyond tuition. Gifts to the annual fund limit our reliance on tuition and help us sustain the unique approach to education that can only be found at The New School. These gifts have an immediate and direct benefit to each student and faculty member, as well as to the quality and range of all school programs.

Gifts to the Annual Fund provide critical resources to bolster financial aid, faculty resources and development, academic programs, student activities, arts, and athletics.

Tuition does not cover the full cost to educate students of The New School; the Annual Fund supports our operating budget each year. Those unrestricted, current-use funds give the School the flexibility it needs to address its most pressing issues.

Giving Levels

Gifts to The New School are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt in the mail shortly after making a donation. You can double or triple your gift by participating in your company’s matching gift program. Ask your personnel office for the proper form to send to The New School.

$50,000 & above | Visionaries

$25,000 - $49,999 | Leadership

$10,000 - $24,999 | Head of School

$5,000 - $9,999 | Founder

$2,500 - $4,999 | Guarantor

$1000 - $2,499 | Benefactor

$500- $999 | Patron


Did you know that you can designate your Annual Fund gift to one or more areas that interest you?

Areas of Greatest Need

Give The New School the ability to apply your gift where it’s needed most, including facility needs.

Academics and Technology

Fund innovation and excellence across all academic disciplines and support students and teachers.


Maintain and enhance the outstanding visual and performing arts programs.


Provide critical resources for all of The New School's athletic teams.


Provide funding to help our faculty remain at the forefront of their fields through professional and curricular development.

Financial Assistance

Help change the lives of students who could not otherwise afford to attend The New School.