This year, The New School's annual Spring Party will look a little different. The New School community will not be able to come together as a community to celebrate like we have done in the past. But like everything over this past year, we must find a way to come together and celebrate, even if we have to have a virtual event. 

The Spring Auction and Arts week will be April 19th through the 23rd and although both will be virtual, This will be a time to continue to celebrate The New School’s 50th Anniversary.  The students and teachers look forward to showcasing their visual and performing arts, music performances from our students and a special treat with Mr. Troy performing live on Facebook. 

The Spring Auction, which is normally our annual Spring Party, is coming together with some great auction items like our traditional class baskets, trips to the beach or New York, opportunity for a student or adult to be a “weather kid for a day”. Ms. Christina and Ms. Natalie will have a few art pieces to bid on and of course, the wine pull - thank you to our parents for donating over 65 bottles of wine. 

Like last year, we will be using Greater Giving Online to host our virtual auction. The auction goes live on Sunday, April 18th at 12:00pm and will close on Saturday, April 24th at 12:00pm. Here is the link to our online auction:

Virtual auction website

All participants will need to create an account if you do not have one already. Click on Get Started on the Spring Auction Greater Giving page. 

All auction winners with items over $1000 are able to pay by check the week after the Spring Auction. All winning auction items must be settled/paid by May 3rd.

If you wish to NOT have your credit card on file with Greater Giving charged, please let the Advancement Office know by April 26th.

Spring Auction and Arts Week Schedule

April 21st

  •  Upper School Theatre Production (Youtube)

April 22nd

  •  All School Virtual Art Show

April 23rd

Spring Party Archive