College Counseling


College counseling at The New School is about finding the right fit for each student. There are over 3000 colleges and universities in the United States, not to mention great options around the world. Finding the right college is not just about US News & World Report rankings or prestigious names. Instead, it is about finding a place where the student will be successful in the classroom, engaged outside of it, and happy/fulfilled as a person. The college search and application process is a journey of self-discovery and reflection, not one of packaging and competition. As a student grows to better understand what he or she is looking for, the appropriate fit becomes more clear. The college search and application process at The New School is also student-centered and student-led. The student is the one applying to college, and while the college counselor, teachers, and parents are all resources to support the student, the student is in charge and the driving force.

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