Tinkering Studio


The Tinkering Studio is The New School’s S.T.E.A.M. education hub for Pre-K through 4th grade students. With a focus on project-based learning, tactile experiences, and exposure to new technology, the Tinkering Studio provides a space for students to broaden their skill set through the use of a variety of materials, tools and techniques.

The Tinkering Studio is a shared workshop where parents, teachers and students explore learning that combines science, technology, engineering, and art in playful and inventive ways, encouraging students to tinker, experiment, and be creative! Some of the things that your child might encounter in The Tinkering Studio are:

  • Circuitry
  • Textile processes like sewing and weaving
  • Stop-Motion Animation
  • Break Stations with recycled toys, electrical systems and small appliances
  • Woodworking
  • Construction
  • Tool use and safety

These are all facilitated by New School teachers and The New School's S.T.E.A.M. Integration Specialist, however, fixed stations such as the Marble Run and Epic Lego Wall are available to students at all times. For younger students, we provide open-ended play and building experiences with a variety of media.