
March 26, 2019 | Vol. 5 No. 29               


AP Government Garage Sale Supporting the International Justice Mission

The AP Government class is hosting its first annual "Clean Out Your Garage Sale" to benefit the International Justice Mission in the support of fighting human trafficking. Every single dollar raised at the sale will go to help victims of slavery and human trafficking.


We need your help! Students are still accepting donations until this Thursday, March 28. The AP Government class and some of the National Honors Society members will be outside before and after school to collect items.


The sale will be this Friday, March 29, and Monday, April 1, in the Mandrell Center before and after school. We hope you will donate and buy items to support our AP Government students and the International Justice Mission.


If you prefer to support our AP Government Class and the International Justice Mission by making a cash donation, please do so here



Dear New School Community,


Spring Break was a wonderful opportunity to be together with family. It was also fun to welcome everyone back to school - ready for the final energy of the last months of school.

I had occasion to observe middle school students with their families over the break. Parenting a middle schooler can be a jumble of contradictions. In school, they can be a delight and at home, they can be sullen. They can be risk takers in sports yet cautious in class.

Here are five Truths about Middle Schoolers:

  1. Most middle schoolers don't crave drama.
  2. They're not embarrassed by you. They're embarrassed to be with you.
  3. They do want to talk, as long as you abide by the following 4,024 rules.
  4. They're not trying to push your buttons.
  5. They're an enigma to themselves, too.

Want to read more? Here is the whole article from AskListenLearn.org

See you at carpool! I am a survivor of the middle school years, both as an educator and as a parent. It can be a delight!

Dr. Susan R. Groesbeck

Head of School, Interim






Ready to Re-Enroll?

Thank you to those of you who have shown your support for The New School by re-enrolling for the next year! We're excited to have you back for another great year!


If you have any questions or want to discuss the re-enrollment process, contact the office of admission at admission@thenewschool.org or call (479) 521-7037.


Please visit My BackPack to re-enroll for the 2019-2020 school year. 


Neurodiversity Club Meeting Wednesday Mornings

The Neurodiversity Club provides opportunities for students who 'learn differently' in 2nd-6th grade to be mentored by 6th-11th graders.


Upper school students will work with their mentees to find additional avenues to success and encourage them to continue to learn differently. 


The club, founded by TNS Students Lindley H. and Audrey S., meets Wednesday mornings between 8:00-8:30 a.m. in the library.  


For more information, please contact Jessica.Guillory@thenewschool.org


Head of School Coffee and Conversation

April Showers? Don't let the rain stop you from enjoying a cup of coffee with The Head of School on April 3rd, from 7:30-9:00 a.m. in the Mandrell Center.


Enjoy some coffee, scones and conversation!


Drive-In Movie April 5th: Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse

Bring your folding chairs/blankets and claim a spot outside of the Athletic Center to watch a movie on a giant inflatable screen! This event is open to all K-11th grade families!

    BBQ and grilled hotdogs
    Pedal Pops!
    Hill City Cougar Crunch!

"Doors open" at 7pm. The movie begins around 7:45 or as soon as it's dark enough!Parking is available in our gravel lot on Township behind Walgreens. 

Show your Cougar Pride with a TNS Proud Parent Yard Sign! 

Proud Parent yard signs will be available for pickup in the main lobby this Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29.  


We have a limited supply, so get them while you can to show your support for The New School! 


Teacher Appreciation Week

The Parents Association is planning an amazing week of special lunches from Around the World to show our appreciation for our wonderful faculty and staff. Teachers work hard for our kids all year and this is our time to thank them! Faculty & Staff Appreciation Week will be held April 15-19 in the board room. 


If you would like to help, please use the link below to signup to bring a food item or volunteer your time!




For more information, please contact pa@thenewschool.org


Parent Association Meeting

Please join us for a Parent Association Meeting.

Date: Thursday, April 4
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Location: Board Room

Topics: Spring Party Recap, Teacher Appreciation Week & Annual Fund Participation
Lunch will be provided. RSVP to pa@thenewschool.org or call (479) 521-7037 for more information.


Save the Date for April 10 Blood Drive in memory of Karla Garrett 

On April 10 The New School will be hosting a blood drive in memory of Karla Garrett who passed away on December 21 from a rare form of blood cancer. The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks will have their mobile unit on campus all day to receive donations.


If you are interested in donating please contact Jordan Garrett at jordan.garrett@thenewschool.org


Arts Week is April 22-26

Arts Week 2019 is April 22-26, with a special Rock Band performance at George's Majestic Lounge on April 14. The TNS Arts Week will feature projects, productions and performances by our creative students! Mark your calendar, and download the schedule! 


Morning Drop Off Reminder: Simple Safety Rules

Pull up and we are happy to open the right hand door for your child.


Never pass a car in the Striped Safety Zone in front of the school.


Never disembark from the left hand side of the car.




Annual Fund Update

Thank you to everyone in the TNS community who has participated in the 2018-19 New School Annual Fund! Our goal for this year is $320,000.


As a reminder, our entire Faculty and Staff are already all in at 100% participation for over $13,000! That is a huge statement from our Faculty and Staff, and now we need YOU to follow their lead.


There is still time to participate and we need your support to keep improving The New School! You can make your pledge or donation online, or stop by the development office and visit with John Gourlay, Director of Development.



Conscious Discipline Parent Night

Save the date for April 4th for a session on Conscious Discipline, a research-based program to understand the internal brain-body states that are most likely to produce certain behaviors in children. All families are welcome and invited to attend.
To RSVP for childcare please email Jenna.Swain@thenewschool.org
No RSVP is necessary to attend the session. 

ECE Family Art Night April 22

Come celebrate Arts Week with your favorite artist in TNS Early Childhood! Save the date for Monday, April 22 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. 


Enjoy pizza, ice cream, music with Mr. Troy, face painting, balloon making and more! 



1st - 4th Grade Standardized Test Assessment 

1st grade through 4th grade will be administering a standardized assessment called the Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP). This assessment will give our teachers a snapshot of how your child is doing in their academics, as well as compare ourselves to other private and public schools in the nation.
The assessment will be next week, April 1st-5th. Testing will begin at 8:35.
If your student is tardy, he/she will need to check in with the front office. Once testing has begun, students cannot enter into the classroom until the next testing session.

Lower School Dance Party: Glow Crazy!

Your kindergarten to 4th grade student can "Glow Crazy!" at our lower school dance party on Friday, April 26th. The party will be held in the lower school gym between 5:30-7:30 p.m.


To attend please pay $20 at the front desk with cash, check, or a charge to your account before the event, or pay $25 at the door. Please get your student's tickets by April 24th to help us prepare! 


For more information, please contact Kasarah.Tyson@thenewschool.org


Seussical photos on Flickr

We are so proud of the many students who were involved with Seussical the Musical this year, and we are so grateful for our fantastic directors, Ms. Jonny, and Ms. Sam. 


To access the photos from this year's production please visit the album on Flickr



AP Government Garage Sale

On March 29th and April 1st from 7:30-8:30 and 3:30-5:00, AP US Government class will be hosting the "Spring Clean Out Your Garage Sale" in the Mandrell Center to benefit the International Justice Mission. The IJM works to combat human trafficking all over the globe.
Drop off your donations for the sale from March 25th-29th at the front desk. Suggested donations include, but are not limited to, children's clothes, books, games and electronics.
You can also donate directly at https://give.ijm.org/team/215244. Be sure to check out the sale and contribute to a great cause!

Junior High and Upper School Standardized Testing April 2nd and 11th

Standardized testing sessions are coming up soon for our junior high and upper school students! 


After a morning spent working hard on tests, we will all head to Cobblestone Farms, a local non-profit farm committed to hunger relief which donates over half of its produce to local food agencies in Northwest Arkansas. We will help them plant and care for their crops! If you have any questions please contact Marshall Gray at marshall.gray@thenewschool.org


7th-11th Grade Students: Sign up for our LAN Party!

On April 12th, from 4pm to 8pm, Mr. Keith, Mr. Dana, Ms. Carly, Ms. Jennifer W, Ms. Jordan, Ms. Shelby and Ms. Madison are hosting a LAN party in the Academic Center.


To attend please pay $25 at the front desk with cash, check, or a charge to your account before the event.


There will be a different gaming system set up in every room for students to play games together. Students can enjoy pizza and soda for dinner. 


Sign up your 7th to 11th grade student for some friendly competition and community! Contact Madison.Sandig@thenewschool.org to sign up or for more details. 


Save the Date for Spring Formal: May 11

Save the date for May 11 for our TNS Spring Formal. Students from grades 8 to 11 are invited. More details to come!


Summer program registration opens soon!

We're excited for Summer 2019, aren't you?! Be on the lookout for more information regarding our summer programming and a link to sign-up your student. 


Registration will be available through My BackPack for current families. If you have any questions, please email Halee Smith at halee.smith@thenewschool.org

Additional Extended Day Activities Available 

We have added new after-school activities such as Spirit Squad, New School Gamers, Gardening and more! A full list is available at the front desk.


Registration is available through My BackPack. If you have any questions, please email Halee Smith at halee.smith@thenewschool.org




March 27

6th Grade Field Trip: "You & Me & the Space Between"

Walton Arts Center | 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.


March 28

2nd and 3rd Grade Field Trip: "You & Me & the Space Between"

Walton Arts Center | 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.


April 1

4th Grade Field Trip: "You & Me & the Space Between"

Walton Arts Center | 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.


April 2

10th and 11th Grade ACT Test

 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


9th Grade Pre-ACT Test

 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


7th-11th Grade Volunteerism

Cobblestone Farms 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


April 3

HOS Coffee and Conversation

Mandrell Center | 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. 


April 1-5

CPT Testing for 1st - 4th grade

Various times


Visit our full calendar to learn more about upcoming events!



March 26

Co-ed Junior High Track and Field

at Lincoln Invitational

Lincoln High School3:30 - 6:30 p.m.


March 28

Co-ed Varsity Track and Field

at Lincoln Invitational

Lincoln High School 3:30 - 6:30 p.m.


April 1

Co-ed Junior High Track and Field

at Blackhawk Invitational

Pea Ridge3:30 - 6:30 p.m.


Visit our athletics website to learn more about our upcoming events!



Athletics Instagram: @tnscougars

Athletics Twitter: @tnscougars




The New School is an independent school that respects, embraces, and celebrates diversity in its curriculum, student body, and staff. The New School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, color, national or ethnic origin in the admission of students, in hiring, or in the administration of its educational program.



Copyright © 2019 The New School, All rights reserved.
You are a member of The New School community.


Our mailing address is:
The New School
2514 New School Pl.
Fayetteville, AR 72703



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